Monday, April 11, 2011

Lawn mowing

We mowed the lawn at the rental house yesterday. It was a dry day, but humid (and the temps were in the 80s!). Bob and I were really sweating - we used a reel lawn mower. Better than a gym work-out! We figured the grass wasn't getting any shorter, and with rain predicted for today (and yes, it is raining), we'd better strike while the iron was hot - or the mower was sharp, as the case may be. We still need to do edging, but we don't have an edger or a weed whacker. Yet another purchase ....

Flowering trees are putting on a display here. Bradford pears, magnolias, weeping cherry trees, etc. are all in bloom. Spring bulbs - hyacinths, daffodils, and tulips - are blooming, too. Very pretty. We get 2 springs this year.

We have a mortgage! We bought it down to a rate of 4.875% and we'll pay biweekly, so it turns out to be a 24 year mortgage, not a 30 year. We just have to come up with the down payment (not to worry) and we're in business ... well, for the next 24 years, anyway. I'll be 83 when we pay it off. It might happen!

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