Monday, April 25, 2011

Spring, birthday, Tuskegee Airmen

Spring in Ohio is unpredictable. We've had lots of rain (perhaps record-setting, according to the newspaper). Farmers cannot plant their corn and soybeans, since the fields are muddy and the low places are flooded. Rain does not necessarily mean it's cold out. It can be cold and rainy, like California. Or, it can be 70 degrees and suddenly the plan to wear a fleece jacket under the rain gear does not seem like such a good idea.

On Saturday, we went to WACO air field here in Troy for a presentation on the Tuskegee Airmen. Representatives of the Ohio Memorial Chapter of the Tuskegee Airmen gave the talk and answered questions. We were fortunate to have an actual Tuskegee airman, Mr. Malcolm McCoy, come down from Lima, OH, for the event. He's very old and uses a walker, but he proudly shared his memories. What an honor to shake his hand! The Ohio Memorial Chapter is so busy giving presentations during African American History Month in February that they don't have time for everyone, and must play catch-up all spring.

Bob's birthday was April 22. He got two bird feeders from me and the cats - a suet feeder and a nyjer feeder. The cats enjoy watching the birds come to the feeders (for cats, this is "bird TV"). We had a red-bellied woodpecker come to the suet feeder this morning. Cool.

I can't believe it's May 1st next Sunday. On the 29th of April, we'll have been here a month. I hope the rainy pattern changes soon. It will be nice to have warm and dry weather.


slocyn said...

I am reading but not able to comment. Lots of work folks say the same. Don't think we've forgotten you!

Retired Duo said...

Your comment is here, Cyndee. I know Joan said she couldn't comment and I tried to fix things, but without my own internet connection, my ability to do things is limited.